Tomasz Nowowiejski

Tomasz Nowowiejski has been involved in healthcare management, pharmaceuticals, and medical equipment for more than 20 years. He was co-founder of one of the first private high-specialty hospitals in Poland - OLYMPUS Endoterapia. He developed the operations of a hospital in Warsaw, co-founded a gastroenterology hospital in Lodz, and co-founded and developed the operations of Poland's largest private histopathology laboratory. In addition, he managed five diagnostic centers in Hungary.
In recent years he also gained professional experience at a medical-technology company developing and manufacturing innovative telemedicine devices. He also worked for one of the three largest healthcare providers in Poland, serving as a Board Member responsible for the medical division. In the last few years, he managed and developed a network of private dental clinics in Warsaw.
Tomasz graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the Warsaw Medical University, where he obtained his medical degree. He also completed a two-year MBA program at the Warsaw University of Technology Business School conducted jointly with HEC School of Management Paris, London Business School, and NHH - Norwegian School of Economics.