Agata Nędzi-Kowalczyk, PhD in Health Sciences

Agata Nędzi-Kowalczyk Ph.D. graduated from Medical University in Białystok in 2017 and obtained the degree of Doctor of Health Sciences. Doctoral studies enabled her to gain extensive theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the laboratories of the Medical University of Bialystok. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry of the University of Bialystok, where she graduated, obtained a master's degree in chemistry, and volunteered in chromatography laboratories. She also completed post-graduate studies in the field of Microbiology and post-secondary school of Pharma Technology.
For over seven years she has been an auditor of the integrated management system ISO 9001 ISO 17025 and the HACCP system. She is an EEG-Biofeedback trainer.
For the last five years of work, she gained professional experience at the Water Testing Laboratory as an Analyst-Chemist and conducted audits of both ISO 9001 and ISO 17025.
Currently, she works as a Quality Analyst Specialist. She conducts tests of process samples using knowledge and skills in the field of gas and liquid chromatograph operation.